Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A game worth playing!!!

Sorry for the absence, I can't really blame it on anything besides being stunned into silence by the Lakers winning game 5 and 6. Boooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

But besides this minor setback, it was a great weekend. I actually figured out that a certain "road-dog" of mine, we'll call him Fido, wasn't an a**hole like I thought he was. In fact he he was just a misunderstood puppy LOL!!

So, the story goes like this.

Back in college I had a class or two with this guy who, everyone assumed, wasn't so bright. In any case, he's not that stupid, in fact I rather think that he's a Rhode's Scholar who allows everyone to believe that he's not bright. In FACT....HE might have been in the CIA....I mean he says he's gone playing ball overseas all the time...riighht.

Anyway, he used to be able to shut me up quicker than any tip in by Ron Artest. In fact, it was said by those who knew and know me best, that no one was able to shut me up quite like him. And yes, this IS a MAJOR accomplishment! I can argue and out talk just about anyone.

To say the least, he used to frustrate me to no end. I genuinely thought that he made no good sense just to annoy me. So when I was asked recently who I'd rather date, him or...anyone else, everyone else made the cut.

It was at this time that I was finally educated to the fact that Fido couldn't and can't understand that I would pay him attention without trying to flirt with him.To this end, Fido would actually instigate situations with me just to see my reactions. And when my reactions wouldn't meet his liking, he'd get frustrated and stalk away from me.

It was entertaining to everyone, except me.... and Fido.

But once learning that all he needed to be happy was a couple of sweet smiles and perhaps a wink in his direction to right his lopsided world where I am concerned, I have decided to....do just the opposite.

Is this mean???

I actually hope so, because this Puppy of a man caused me years of frustration!!!! Now that I have his number....I plan to cause him as much pain as possible, without it looking like I'm doing it on purpose.

I do promise not to insinuate that he's dumb by any measure, but that's all the leeway I am giving him...game on Playa!!!!!!!!!!!!

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