Thursday, February 10, 2011

Married Folk acting like Single Folk...Really???

So, this past weekend I had the opportunity to spend some time with a friend who I only know through her family. We were raised in a rather similar fashion, but she was a few years younger than me.

In any case, I got the chance to meet a couple of her friends and we all decided to go out to a local club for some dancing.

It was cold as all get out, but my first impressions of the ladies all dressed up, were positive and classy, meaning, no one was trying to walk around in barely there ensembles. And considering the group of ladies I was with, I assumed that there would be plenty of dancing and not a lot of foolishness...I hate foolishness.

In any case, the night started out slow, and then guys began trying to talk to different ones in our party. I never mind that, in fact I rather like being apart of a group of females where the girls are being pursued...I just never like to be the one being pursued...but that is for another day.

So, like I said the girls are being pursued, I think a couple get some free drinks, and then the dancing begins and folk are being singled out to be danced with. Once again, not a problem, I don't like dancing with people, generally because I am not sure what the guy may infer by my dancing with him, so as a general rule, I forgo such behavior unless I can't get around it, or unless I already know the guy, and he already knows that AIN'T NOTHING happening after the dance. And I do mean N-O-T-H-I-N-G....but I digress.

The night moves on, and I begin to realize that one of the girls in our group seems to be pulling a lot more guys. Now not one of the girls I am with is ugly, in fact all are getting looks, but she is having a ton of conversations with a lot of different guys over the course of the evening. I take note, but once again, have NO problem with it...

Until she, the man-puller, decides that we should move where we are dancing on the floor and proceeds to head to a section of the dance floor of in the cut and surrounded by nothing but males.......

She turns around as if to say, "Ok, we're here!!". And I give her the "Like Hades we are!!!", stare down right back. Needless to say, she turns back around and continues on to find us a more agreeable spot to dance.

Now, I'm no psychiatrist, but that last incident had me thinking that she was a little desperate for male attention. And for the life of me, I couldn't and still can't understand why. This chick was petite and beautiful and had guys hanging on all over her all night, so why the el-Desperado move to the "sausage" section of the dance floor? I mean why make it obvious that you want their already HAD it!

Now of course this is not the overall kicker of the story for me, because it wasn't until the end of the night as I was leaving that I was reminded that SHE was fact she was the ONLY married one out of the group.

This was when my mind went into a Disney Tailspin of massive proportions, because...REALLY? Really...really??? RealllYYY???? You've got a man waiting at home for ya and you are out here acting like you ain't never smelled cologne before?????

Now, I would make allowances for this behavior, if even one of the other ladies in our group had been doing likewise...but none were. I could even excuse it, if she felt that she needed to mingle in order to get a better dance partner...but the dudes...or should I say duds, we stopped in front of, weren't even dancing!!!! They were standing on the outskirts of the large dance floor, looking forlornly at the intermingling of dancing folk ON the dance floor.

So yeah, this for me...this took the cake. From classy to...hmmm, well yeah.. I've seen females act desperate, but at least I could understand WHY it was that they were acting desperate, they were looking to find a dude to be waiting at home on them.

The only thing I could come up with for this chick was that she was trying to prove something to herself or to the group, that she still "had IT". Her friends said that she pulled guys like that all of the time, so maybe the answer is herself, and if that's the case, I feel sorry for her and the guy she's with. Confidence shouldn't need to be confirmed, it should be owned.

I'm Out...smh


  1. I wonder what her relationship is like with her father. While she may have one present, there are many things that could have gone wrong in that relationship to foster such insecurity. Or, she was drunk and likes to act out when she is drunk. Either way, she should do better... she's married.

  2. I concur on both accounts...needless to say I won't be looking to go out with her any time soon, she was really nice, but I don't need any dude getting the wrong idea about me...I've already had that happen before...
