It is's article on Five reasons NOT to sleep with a Virgin.
Scarily, many of the points in the article are similar to ones I pointed out...which makes me wonder if that makes me insightful.....or a dude...UGHH!
Otherwise I'll give you the synopsis:

2) There's a Freak Out Potential- Messy emotional stuff like not going through with act, and CRYING.
3) She'll Likely Get Attached- DING, DING, DING!!!!! Enough said.
4) She Lacks Skills-Duh! But more importantly, the dude involved may not have as good of a time....
5) It Could Get Messy- As in actual blood, OH NO!!!!....LOL!
As you can probably tell, I am and am not impressed with this list. I am only because the author was honest, I am not because the author, as so many others, have made sex into a recreational activity that should involve as little emotion as possible...
I mean, guys have the fear that I would get attached?!?! Really....why don't you just use your favorite hand for the job and leave me out of it altogether. THAT, makes far more sense to me than in trying to ware me down just in order to place another notch in your belt.
Honestly though, your hand will never leave you, will always be there for you and will do anything and everything you ask it to. And if you choose to leave it behind it will hurt but it won't stalk you after the deed is done. Your hand will never call you names or call you out for being a punk, or for being a lazy-good-for-nothing man....who wouldn't want that?
So, like I said before, a guy who doesn't want to date me because he doesn't want the commitment
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