Thursday, April 14, 2011


Stuck in the umbrella
I've been thinking about a lot of different things lately and I realized that I haven't told a good story in a while...not that this is a good story. But It Is A story. So, you'll get to hear it.

I thought about it, when I got caught on the street in the middle of a rain storm with no umbrella. I mean one should always be prepared for the unexpected right? Right. Well that brought me back to a day in college when the powers that be decided to hand out condoms to everyone during our 12 o'clock lunch break in the school's courtyard. You're wondering how in the world the a rain storm and condoms can ever be connected...wait for it....

Getting back to the story...
They were handing out condoms and I dodged and declined every well intentioned boy and girl who tried to hand me the candy colored plastic wraps, and headed to find my friends inside our student lounge.

Upon finding them, I threw my book-bag down and relaxed in one of the empty love-seats beside them. I was about to get into the perfect position to fall asleep when one of the guys on the basketball team came through the lounge with pockets full of the pink and yellow colored wrappers. He was always in a jovial mood, and that day was no exception since he was going to get to "share" with all of my friends some of his bounty.

Throwing them around like confetti, he showered my friends with condoms, saying stuff much to the effect that he was in fact "helping" them out. They grumbled and mocked him for his moxy, but allowed his foolery to a certain extent. When he got to me, he tried to hand some to me, (he was being sensitive to the fact that I was giving him the malicious eye that said "Not in the Mood"). Needless to say I told him "No thanks." And then proceeded to shoot down every subsequent offer he made after that. He gave up and moved on.

But one of his teammates heard the exchange, and jumped in with his own questions.

Him: - "But, what if you need them?"
Me - "For what!?!!?!!!!??!!!!!!!!"
Him - "You know just in case?"
Me - "Just in case of WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
Him - "Of  an emergency?"
Me - "............................................Ummmmm, there ain't gonna BE No EmerGenCY!!"
Him - ...........................................(confused face)....................................................

To this day, this story is used against me to illustrate how mean I am....meanwhile I believe there are other examples that fit the bill so much better than this, but I digress!!

The point of the story is.....How in the HECK does sex become an EMERGENY?!?!??!?????!!!!!!

I mean, hurricane, tornado, earthquake....check.  Running out of gas, out of water, out of air....check. Running out of food during a blizzard, or out of anti freeze on the road, forgetting the extra battery for my camera, forgetting my phone at home, running out of clean underwear, leaving a party at night on foot and finding out that you left your umbrella at home when it starts pouring down rain...check. Sex......(cricket).......I don't see it. I DON'T get it!!!!!!!

And although I am sure that this guy did not mean it as he meant it, or maybe HE did, the thought remains the same. If one's mind is not made up about whether or not they plan on having sex on a given night...then yeah, those situations can turn into an emergency. Going on a date without any idea of how far you're going to allow the intimacies to go, is like getting on I-20 West in Atlanta, with no idea of how far you are willing to travel. In both cases it's easier to see how far you can make it...and it's my bet that a date generally will have better gas mileage than a car.

Now I am not saying that every guy or girl is looking for sex every time they head to Red Lobster with an attractive person of the opposite sex. But I do believe that everyone wants intimacy, and what may start as cuddling or an extended hug can end up somewhere else IF there are no previous plans for when to get off the highway.

I'm just saying. Sex is Never an emergency, unless one walks into the situation unsure of your intended outcome. 

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