The word that I have been known to kill relationships over...Groupie. It's not normally within the common set of words that I use, but on occasion, like today, I see the merits of pulling out of the purgatory that I've sent it to in order to explain a few things to a few peeps who seem not to understand.
First and foremost, is, that just because you get hired by a team, pro or college, does not mean that you are NOT a groupie.
[And for the lames out there who want to typecast every female who does go for jobs with men teams...pull your heads out from between your butt-cheeks and listen to this...just because a woman works with or around male athletes does NOT make her a groupie either.]
Being as I have worked with both male and female athletes, I have seen females who do a fine job without trying to get all up in a dude's jock strap just because he's about to go pro, or already is one. On that same note though, I have seen the unfortunates, who feel that they should take advantage of their job titles and get all up in the business just because they are in close proximity...and it is to you that I write this post....
You are the worst kind of Groupie that there is....why? Because you actually believe that your love for sports makes you LESS of a does not. Worst, you try and get others to take you seriously as a REAL journalist, or Sports caster, or Team manager, or Athletic trainer, or SID...and then want to sleep around with the multi-million dollarcontracted help as if you are just engaging in any other sort of office romance...................Bull.....cut-it-out.
Why does it piss me off? Because your type of inter-office-dating makes ME look like a whore just like you, and I, most certainly am NOT.
I appreciate athletes both male and female for the passion and love for their sport that they exhibit every time they are on the court. they cannot feign ignorance when the ball glances off their glove into right-center field in a playoff game. They have to hone up to their mistakes, mortals like the rest of us can pretend we didn't even know that such a ball existed, and then walk away free and clear when we know that we did indeed drop said neon green ball. I like the fact that they have to take responsibility for the loses that they experience, and I like even more that they generally do Not throw the towel in like so many of us when I see whores trying to pass themselves off as working chicks, it pisses me off.
Everyone knows you could care less about your job, stop pretending, let it go and let someone else who will actually respect the athlete as an athlete, get the position...
That's all I'm sayin', oh and Stop giving me a bad name...really Cut-It-Out...
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